Meet the Doctor

Luther Chiropractic Center and Physical Medicine

Meet the Doctors!

About Dr. Douglas Luther



Doug had a great experience with a chiropractor when he was younger, inspiring him to get a job for a local chiropractor when he was in college in Fairbanks helping out around the clinic, filing papers and doing laundry.  He got to fraternize with the chiropractors in the clinic and see how the office worked and how they helped patients. Over time, this inspired him to become a chiropractor himself, so he attended chiropractic school in   Portland, Oregon, graduating in 2000.  He initially practiced in Washington state before relocating to Anchorage in 2007, where he happily resides with his wife, Jill (also a chiropractor and unquestionably his "better half"), his two kids, and their “third child,”  Cal, a beloved happy-go-lucky Labrador retriever and official office mascot.

He also teaches various continuing educations topics throughout the country to  other chiropractic state associations.  He is also a self-proclaimed "master of dad jokes,"   much to the chagrin of his staff, wife, and kids.      

In his off time, Doug travels often for fishing and hunting throughout the state.   He also loves vacationing with his wife and family in sunny climates—especially in the winter.


About Dr. Tyler Renne

Athletics were a big part of my life up until a few years ago. In the process of pursuing a dream of college football I beat my body up pretty good. This caught up to me when I was strength coach, as well as when I worked construction.  My low back, shoulders, and neck would be almost unbearably painful after a day's work. 

The Lightbulb Moment

My grandfather, despite having low back pain all his life, was able to farm large wheat fields all by himself up into his early 80s. And then, out of nowhere, his back became so bad that he had to hire farm hands to work the fields for the first time in 60 years of farming. My grandfather, who summited Mount Kilimanjaro at the age of 65, was my hero. Now he can’t even walk very long without debilitating pain. It was like looking into the future. I knew I couldn’t keep pushing through the pain forever. I had to do something if I wanted to enjoy my later years. That is when I found chiropractic and decided to pursue a career where I could help people get out of pain so they can enjoy their lives. 

Moving to Portland

I started chiropractic school in 2017 at the University of Western States, in Portland Oregon. Working towards a doctorate takes a lot of work. When I did have free time I would go backpacking through the Eagle Cap Wilderness, fishing, or hunt for elk in the Blue Mountains. It was a memorable time in my life, but what I covet most from my time there is meeting the love of my life, Staci.   

The Next Chapter

Once I finished school Staci and I decided move up to Anchorage. We were attracted to what the state had to offer, along with the opportunity to work with the amazing people at Luther Chiropractic Center. It has been the most rewarding experience of my life to help the people of Anchorage improve their quality of life through chiropractic care. I am also looking forward to raising our children, Sonny and Summer in this incredible state.

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 6:30 pm





9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm


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